Over the years I have told a number of people that I am in a band. Some would call this a blatant lie used to get in the pants of gullible women, I personally like to called it a harmless 'fantasy truth' with no objective but to make new Facebook friends. Then, the other night everything changed. Amps were plugged in, drum sticks were tapped together and microphones were checked. 'Fantasy truth' is now just truth and although we barely got through three and a half songs and I have made no new facebook friends, I can safely say I am in a band. now all we need is a name....
Sometimes all you need for a great night is a pack of cards, a goon bag and some great mates. Plus of course a game where you try and spot as many utes as you can in a town where utes out number people 2 to 1.
Although doubling as a Christmas present for my sister who lives abroad, these three photos also gave me the chance to look at my home town from a different angle. The sea, the city and although not by blood, the family. It made me realise that people naively look down at Perth as a place with very little to offer. But I think, just like that smelly old granny that sits next to you on the bus, if you just took a second to look closer, beyond the boring and smelly wrinkles you are guaranteed to find something interesting and special. This may be a bad analogy but at least it is a nice thought and lead to a thoughtful gift.